Use your first group gathering as a social time to allow members to get to know each other.
Here are some ideas:
Set a time to pray over your first meeting. You could even plan to do this with your hub leader!
Put out sticker name tags to help people learn each other’s names.
As people arrive, let them know how glad you are to see them and introduce them to others in the group.
Put an encouraging note or Bible verse on each chair.
Provide snacks or order food such as pizza.
Put conversation-starting questions out on tables.
Play a game that allows everyone to share a little about themselves.
Make the first night a game night and invite members to bring their favorite games.
Put together a list of songs to play in the background at the meeting.
Give each person a postcard and ask them to write down one thing they’re hoping for with the group.
No matter how many people show up to the first meeting, have fun!
Here are some DOs and DON’Ts to keep in mind to help everyone in your group have a great time.